Some more pictures

The photo above is of the street outside of the front entrance to my apartment building looking left. I have never been up that little street straight ahead. It has a lot of little resturants and street vendors selling food. The overpass running from left to right is for a tram that runs into town. You can click on the pictures to get a better view.

This is the view to the right from the outside of my apartment building. I didn't take a picture of a straight-ahead view since there isn't much to see there (bus stops and little resturants), but might add that later.

This is the front of our new office. It's a pretty interesting design. I work on the 8th floor. It is kind of early, so there are only three cabs waiting out front. We have a lot of people working the late shifts here, so later in the evening there can be twenty or more cabs lined up waiting to take people home.

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