Christmas in New Zealand
On Christmas day we went over to some friends of Leola and Lloyd's. There were about 7 people there all together and I don't remember all of their names (sorry). We spent a relaxing afternoon chatting and eating. It was very nice. We had lamb, turkey, waldorf salad, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc... and some other vegetables that I forgot the name of. For dessert we had something I've never had before called Pavlova. Yummy!

Sheep at the park

A view from One Tree Hill

Monument on top of One Tree Hill

A bar in Auckland

A view of west coast beach

Lots of birds at the beach
The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day in New Zealand, and we spent the early afternoon at a cricket game. The New Zealand team was playing a team from Bangladesh. I've never really watched cricket before, and Lloyd did a good job of explaining the rules. One thing I learned was that a cricket match can go on for a long long time. We spent about four and a half hours at the game, and I think the game actually lasted about seven or eight hours. And that was a short game! New Zealand won, by the way.

Cricket players head out to the field

Crowd at cricket game
After the game I took a little nap. Being out in the sun really drained me. After that we went over to some neighbors of Leola and Lloyd's. We ate lots of sweets and drank some wine. Even with the overdose of sugar and having sunburn set in I had a great time in New Zealand. Off to Australia the next day!

Sheep at the park

A view from One Tree Hill

Monument on top of One Tree Hill

A bar in Auckland

A view of west coast beach

Lots of birds at the beach
The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day in New Zealand, and we spent the early afternoon at a cricket game. The New Zealand team was playing a team from Bangladesh. I've never really watched cricket before, and Lloyd did a good job of explaining the rules. One thing I learned was that a cricket match can go on for a long long time. We spent about four and a half hours at the game, and I think the game actually lasted about seven or eight hours. And that was a short game! New Zealand won, by the way.

Cricket players head out to the field

Crowd at cricket game
After the game I took a little nap. Being out in the sun really drained me. After that we went over to some neighbors of Leola and Lloyd's. We ate lots of sweets and drank some wine. Even with the overdose of sugar and having sunburn set in I had a great time in New Zealand. Off to Australia the next day!
Mate, hope you'd enjoy your stay in Sydney. Experience the colour of this flamboyant city! Oh do drop by the Sydney Fish Market if you have the chance. Nothing beats sitting by the wharf, sucking oysters and sipping chilled riesling.
Anonymous, at 7:42 PM
Steve, love your presentations on your blog. Merry belated Christmas.
You always have a good perspective on things I wouldn't have checked.
Greg, Amy, and The Bean
Anonymous, at 5:04 AM
Didn't stay very long in Sydney... just transferred flights.
Hope you all had a merry Christmas!
Steve Harms, at 10:55 AM
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