Steve's China Blog

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving and sunshine

Happy Thanksgiving!

A friend of mine here told me that most of the western restaurants here in ChengDu usually serve some kind of Thanksgiving dinner, but since I had an earlier Thanksgiving dinner during my last visit to the US I wasn't missing it that much. After work I went home, cooked some pasta, and reinstalled some software on my home computer. I might go out this weekend and see if any place is still serving turkey. We'll see.

On Tuesday the sun came out. I do not think I had seen the sun in the three weeks before then. ChengDu does tend to be a rather cloudy place. There is even an old joke that when the sun comes out the dogs bark at it, because they do not know what it is! Wednesday was another cloudy day, but yesterday and today we have had some more sunshine. It's pretty nice!


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