You know you've been in China too long when...
- you can eat faster with chopsticks than with a fork.
- you have to think how to use a knife and fork.
- you remember your last trip to Taco Bell fondly.
- you eat at McDonalds to put some solid food into your body.
- you prefer to drink beer from one litre bottles.
- you think Great Wall Cabernet is not too bad.
- you get an urge to spit in public.
- you fiercely haggle a difference of 1 RMB in price (about 12 cents).
- white people all look the same to you.
- you don't mind being in a crowd... of a million or more.
- you believe you are really tall when you are only 5'10".
- you don't mind when your taxi honks their horn at people as you drive down the sidewalk.
- someone says, "Look at the foreigner!", and you look around.
- you find yourself "getting back to nature" in a park that contains nothing but concrete and a giant statue of some dead commie.
- open spaces make you uncomfortable.
- squatting doesn't seem that difficult.
- you find state-employed staff helpful, knowledgeable, and friendly.
- you light up a cigarette in the elevator.
- a stranger asks you for directions in Chinese and you understand them...
- you give directions to a stranger in Chinese and they understand you.
I do not think I will ever get use to crossing the street here. It is too crazy, I think. A few days ago I saw a guy try to run across the street and he got hit by a bicyclist. Lucky it wasn't a car or truck that hit him.
Steve Harms, at 2:31 PM
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