Steve's China Blog

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Busy weekend for a change

Except for the weekend I went to BiFengXia my weekends lately have not really been worth writing about. Mostly they have just been relaxing, and I have not been doing much. This last weekend though was rather busy... On Friday night I went out to a Halloween party at the Shamrock Pub. I spent most of the evening just chatting with friends there. I was kind of surprised there were so many people in costume there. They also had a face-painter there, and a lot of people had some nice designs painted on their face. Everyone had a great time. I wish I had not forgotten my camera.

On Saturday I went out for a late lunch with my friend Reese. We went out for DaPanJi, and even though I had been to this place several times before I got lost getting there. The restaurant in on a little street called FangHuaHeng Street, which is off another little street called FangHua Street. I was talking with Reese on the cell phone the whole time, and after trying to figure out where I was for awhile I found a motorcycle cop to ask directions from. Reese said that there was a motorcycle cop where she was too, so we had them talk to each other on their radio to figure out where I was. One was nice enough to give Reese a ride to where I was, so we finally met up and then went to lunch. It was a weird day.

On Sunday I went to Hooters with a friend to try their brunch menu. I tried the All American Breakfast (eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, toast with jam, and fruit). My friend had the Steak and Eggs (same as the other but with a steak instead of the bacon and sausage). I didn't care much for the sausage, but the rest was really good. After we ordered our food we noticed that one of the TVs there was playing the Oregon State/USC football game. We ended up staying to watch the whole game. The Chinese customers in the place didn't watch, but they did look up to see what we were cheering about when a good play happened.

On Sunday evening I had dinner with Fiona and Angela. We went to Peter's Tex-Mex, and ordered way too much food. The girls paid for dinner since I had bought them drinks on Friday night at the Halloween party. It was a very enjoyable evening. Angela works at a clothing store that her family owns, so she usually can not go out until after 8:30pm, so our dinner was a little later than I am use to. I'm hoping they both can come over for dinner at my place some evening.


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