Steve's China Blog

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Crazy Telecom

Been negotiating with China Telecom to get my internet speed increased. It is very strange... My landlady signed a contract with them a little while ago to get an internet connection at the slowest (aka cheapest) speed possible for 6 months. We called China Telecom and told them we would like to get a faster connection, and of course we would be willing to pay more for that. They said no. For some reason they want to wait for the 6 month contract to expire, even though we offered to pay more money! Then they came up with some weird nonsense about buying a phone or something that only works in ChengDu, and then we could change the contract or something. We're still trying to figure out what they are talking about. It's s*%# like this that drives me crazy here.


  • Ditto. Dealing with China Telecom is one of the few things on this planet that makes me consider suicide by blunt force trauma.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:28 AM  

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