Steve's China Blog

Sunday, August 08, 2010


The weather in Chengdu has gotten up to it's normal hot summer weather. It is very hot during the day, and most nights it rains. We seem to be getting more sunshine than in past summers, but that might just be my imagination.

I had my 49th birthday back on the 27th of July. I worked that day, and that evening I went out to dinner and treated myself to a caesar salad with chicken and a tenderloin steak. It was a quiet and relaxing evening. I saw this article in the New York Times the next day...

Happiness May Come With Age, Study Says

The results, published online May 17 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, were good news for old people, and for those who are getting old. On the global measure, people start out at age 18 feeling pretty good about themselves, and then, apparently, life begins to throw curve balls. They feel worse and worse until they hit 50. At that point, there is a sharp reversal, and people keep getting happier as they age. By the time they are 85, they are even more satisfied with themselves than they were at 18.

Since I am already happy I am looking forward to becoming 50 and seeing how things could be better.

My friend Hebe had her birthday on the 2nd of August, and we got together one night after that to have a birthday celebration for the both of us. We went to an Indian restaurant and had dinner. It was very nice.


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